Steve Blank Quantum Computing – An Update

In March 2022 I wrote a description of the Quantum Technology Ecosystem. I thought this would be a good time to check in on the progress of building a...

Minimum Viable Whatever – MVP misconceptions

MVP misconceptions: Why it’s so much more than just a quick release and how to avoid the poop trap12 min read·12 hours agoHow can...

10+ Best Cheap Drawing Tablets in 2025 – Expert Picks

Looking for the best cheap drawing tablet? Ignite your creativity with the One by Wacom Small Graphics Drawing Tablet. It’s the top pick for...

Designing Respectful Tech: What is your relationship with technology?

You’ve been there before. You thought you could trust someone with a secret. You thought it would be safe, but found out later that...

A Contrarian View On Theme Frameworks — Smashing Magazine

Modern frameworks are supposed to help speed up development while providing modern tools and a developer-friendly workflow. In theory, this is great and makes...

Does the "Search" belong on a Sitemap?

https://preview.redd.it/o9uja70lvake1.png?width=3019&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e72ea6de08463ad9bb4eed5b38dddd23c9a2714 I was having a debate with someone whether it belongs directly on a sitemap. My stance is...

From Users To Players: The Future Of UX Design In The Metaverse

With over 4.8 billion users currently on the internet across the globe, the digital world as we once knew it continues to adapt to...

The Optimal Design for Sidebar Indicators

A sidebar navigation on an interface offers users multiple items to select. After making a selection, they need a visual cue to identify the...

Growth begins where comfort ends. Yes, it’s easier said than done. | by Pascal Potvin | Feb, 2025

Growth, especially in the fast-evolving world of design, requires more than just mastering new tools or trends. It’s about navigating the uncomfortable spaces of...

User Experience Research Assistantships (Undergraduate and Graduate, Remote)

Nielsen Norman Group is looking for talented research assistants who are currently enrolled as undergraduate or graduate students at...

[Podcast] Brand Alignment with Brandon Coleman Jr

In this episode, we’re joined by Brandon Coleman Jr., a branding legend with over five decades of experience. As a speaker, mentor, and author of...

Book in brief – Trustworthy: How the Smartest Brands Beat Cynicism and Bridge the Trust Gap

Designers can empower people to make confident decisions. Empowerment goes beyond just basic functionality: we help people meet their needs and gain a sense...

Reality Or Fiction? — Smashing Magazine

The most reliable way to meet user needs is through extensive usability research. However, scaling can be a challenge, especially if a researcher needs...

Form help

Long Form help I'm currently redesigning a multi-page data input application. One challenge I'm facing is incorporating a...

Top 6 Trends in Product Development You Need to Know

Product development has been a hit sauce for the last two years now. Not participating in this debate seems challenging when all that’s been...

How to ensure design changes get made when Engineering is overloaded | by Kai Wong | Jan, 2025

You don’t have to feel awful requesting design changes from a busy engineer"Yeah, I'll get around to those design changes when I can, but...